16.05.2012 - 30.06.2010 The author’s unusual approach to apply the 35mm camera and reportage techniques to fashion photography created the new style that strongly influenced the development of this field in Europe and the United States.
Frank Horvat has lots of publications and worked for Jardin des Modes, Elle, Glamour, Vogue and Harper's Bazaar, German magazine Revue and French L'Officiel, amongst many others. Horvat cooperated with great designers such as Coco Chanel and Givenchy. His photographs captured famous Parisian nightclubs Le Sphynx and the Crazy Horse alongside well-known areas of Paris: the Champs-Elysees, Gare Saint-Lazare and Quai du Louvre.
The retrospective of Horvat’s most impressive and powerful photographs from different periods can be seen by modern art admires in Brucie Collections Gallery.