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20.03.2009 - 20.04.2009 

"H2O" is a breathtaking feat of underwater photography and a visionary celebration of movement and form. Working with uncommonly graceful and aquatically gifted dancers, models, and performers, photographer Howard Schatz has found joyous inspiration underwater. The images in "H2O" take advantage of water's unique properties- light, clarity, buoyancy, and reflectivity-to create a delightfully serene and otherworldly aesthetic.

Schatz has created award-winning campaign for numerous advertising clients including Ralph Lauren, Sergio Tacchini SportsWear, DeBeers Diamonds, Wolford SwimBodies, Sony FlatScreen, ATT, Erikson Telephone, Epson, Mercedes Benz, Nike, Reebok, Adidas, Gatorade, and Etienne Aigner.
